Tag: #admin

I write about web and game development, system architecture, and sometime about my personal life. Use the search below to filter by title.

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    ChatGPT++ is a web application that allows you to chat with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo AI model. The application can speak out loud response messages, learn new things, and save your conversations to your local machine. You can also use the same model with ChatGPT Plus for a very low cost.
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    Transforming a traditional vegetable wholesale business into a digital platform, including a mobile app for customers and a web app for the business owner.
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    Apartment Management is a SaaS application used for managing rental properties. The application will manage the rented rooms, customer information, and payment status. Since access is not frequent, the goal is to use AWS Serverless to optimize operational costs. For example, S3 for static web, Cognito for authentication, and Lambda Function for backend processing.